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The University of Liverpool is one of the top UK universities, member of the prestigious Russell Group of 24 leading UK universities.

Worlds of Journalism study logo

The Worlds of Journalism Study is a cross-national collaborative project assessing the state of journalism in the world through representative surveys with journalists.

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UNESCO is the lead UN Agency for promoting freedom of expression and safety of journalists as part of its mandate to “promote the free flow of ideas by word and image”.

Gulmira Sultanbayeva

Doctor of Political Sciences, professor at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Safety of women journalists Central Asian countries Internet attacks Social cultural political-economic and psychological-legal Women of Central Asian Media and journalism Professional behavior of women journalists Online attacks and cyber-bullying

In recent years, the issue of safety of women journalists in Central Asian countries has become the center of attention. The growth of threat and Internet attacks against women journalists is characterized by several factors: social, cultural, political-economic and psychological-legal. Women of Central Asian countries who work in the field of media and journalism are more confirmed to the vulnerable barrier. The rigid customs of the people of Central Asian countries will affect the professional behavior of women journalists. We collect country cases of online attacks and cyber-bullying against women journalists. Also impunity for violating the safety of journalists. This study will focus on these issues.

Definition of journalists' safety

The safety of journalists can be determined by several factors. 1) Low level of legal, psychological and social protection of journalists in the course of their professional activities 2) Distrust of law enforcement agencies in the work of a journalist 3) Increased control and censorship in the activities of journalists who conduct independent investigations or reports.

Future plans for research on journalists' safety

Creation of a new mass online course on safety of women journalists in Central Asian countries. Development of an educational program focused on strengthening the impact of journalism in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, especially within the framework of gender policy in Central Asian countries.
Research focuses:
Psychological, Digital, Legal
Methods used in research:
Surveys, Focus groups, Quantitative content analysis, Qualitative content analysis
Countries of research focus:

Areas interested in collaborating with NGOs

Yes, in the area of journalistic defense rights

Areas interested in collaborating with other researchers

Yes, we can team up to do research on the safety of women journalists
Gulmira Sultanbayeva

Gulmira Sultanbayeva

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
