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The University of Liverpool is one of the top UK universities, member of the prestigious Russell Group of 24 leading UK universities.

Worlds of Journalism study logo

The Worlds of Journalism Study is a cross-national collaborative project assessing the state of journalism in the world through representative surveys with journalists.

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UNESCO is the lead UN Agency for promoting freedom of expression and safety of journalists as part of its mandate to “promote the free flow of ideas by word and image”.

Jeannine Relly

Professor, School of Journalism, School of Government & Public Policy with courtesy and Director of Global Initiatives, Center for Border & Global Journalism at The University of Arizona , USA

Conflict crises networks resilience social change

Professor Relly’s research focuses on global and domestic influences on journalists and news media systems, democratic and autocratic institutions that often are in conflict, post-conflict, or in political or economic transition. Research studies collective action and the influence of global networks or social movements on safety, security, freedom of expression and access to public information. Other research has focused on formal and informal institutions related to democratic governance, including issues whistleblower protection and disinformation.

Definition of journalists' safety

After working for more than a decade on issues related to journalists' safety on projects around the world (Afghanistan, Iraq, Kurdistan, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Yemen), safety and security have evolved in my work to include cultural elements along with psycho-social and physical, digital, economic and legal protection and care for a wholistic approach.

Future plans for research on journalists' safety

I am currently working on a project in conflict zones in Yemen and hope to work on the implications and relationships between disinformation and journalists' safety and security, particularly amidst conflict, terror group activity and/or humanitarian crises. I also am in the midst of working on a related book project that includes this area along with longterm impacts of economic austerity, violence and lack of public support on journalists' safety and security.
Research focuses:
Digital, Financial, Legal, Physical, Psychological, Cultural
Methods used in research:
Ethnography, Focus groups, Interviews, Qualitative content analysis, Quantitative content analysis, Surveys, Workshops
Countries of research focus:
United States

Areas interested in collaborating with NGOs

MENA-Can, Internews, IREX

Areas interested in collaborating with other researchers

Those noted above.

Jeannine Relly

Tucson, Arizona, USA

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1100 E University Boulevard, 85719