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The University of Liverpool is one of the top UK universities, member of the prestigious Russell Group of 24 leading UK universities.

Worlds of Journalism study logo

The Worlds of Journalism Study is a cross-national collaborative project assessing the state of journalism in the world through representative surveys with journalists.

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UNESCO is the lead UN Agency for promoting freedom of expression and safety of journalists as part of its mandate to “promote the free flow of ideas by word and image”.

Patricia Barron

Doctoral Researcher at UPV/EHU

I hold a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from UPV/EHU (2022) and a master's in Social Communication from UPV/EHU (2023). My research interests encompass Social Media, Conflict Journalism, Public Relations, Artificial Intelligence, Communication and Education. Currently, I am working on my doctoral thesis (2024-2026), which aims to systematically examine, comprehend, and disseminate insights on the engagement behaviors of Generation Z within the metaverse. This research is closely aligned with three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the United Nations' 2030 Agenda: 1) promoting industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9); 2) reducing inequalities (SDG 10); and 3) ensuring linguistic and cultural diversity (SDG 17+1). The main objective is to understand how interactions within the metaverse influence the identity development of Generation Z, providing insights into the future society.

In addition to my thesis work, I am part of the project "Safety Conditions of Spanish Journalists Covering International Conflicts: Defending Elements and Analysis of Safety Before, During, and After Reporting" (JOSAFCON), which started in September 2022 and will continue until September 2026. Furthermore, I am keen to explore ways to prevent and mitigate trauma through the use of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and other emerging technologies.

Research focuses:
Methods used in research:
Surveys, Focus groups, Interviews
Countries of research focus:
Patricia Barron

Patricia Barron