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The University of Liverpool is one of the top UK universities, member of the prestigious Russell Group of 24 leading UK universities.

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The Worlds of Journalism Study is a cross-national collaborative project assessing the state of journalism in the world through representative surveys with journalists.

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UNESCO is the lead UN Agency for promoting freedom of expression and safety of journalists as part of its mandate to “promote the free flow of ideas by word and image”.

From Precariously Managing Risks to Building Social Resilience: The Safety of Women Journalists in Brazil

Alice Baroni , and Simone Marinho
Journal Article published in 2023
This article focuses upon journalists’ abilities to access different types of capital to anticipate, cope with, and create options to overcome perceived threats and generate positive outcomes. By employing a mixed-methods approach, we combine the results of a survey and in-depth interviews with high-profile figures of leading newspapers and professional bodies in the country to address the following questions: RQ1: How do professional journalists perceive what characterises attacks experienced by women journalists over time in Brazil? RQ2: What strategies/support mechanisms do newsrooms have in place? RQ3: How might different types of “capital” that women journalists possess affect their capacity to move from vulnerability to social resilience?

Main Findings

The findings open up possibilities on how news media’s “mediated social capital” might enhance women journalists’ capacity to move from vulnerability to social resilience, improving their safety.
Research focuses:
Physical, Psychological, Digital, Legal
Methods used in research:
Surveys, Interviews
Countries of research focus:
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