Risk, Victimization and Coping Strategies of Journalists in Mexico and Brazil
Journal Article
published in 2021
There is a growing recognition that journalists are exposed to dangerous or hazardous working conditions in many places worldwide. These conditions are suggested to be linked to greater macro-related structural risks, including changes to the political economy of news that increase labor precarity, cultural and identity-based risks from oppressive normative systems, aggressive partisans and extremists, and risks originating from weak or changing enforcement of the rule of law that increases journalists’ vulnerability to corrupt officials, security forces and criminal groups. This study considers how greater, macro-level structures are tied to journalist’s victimization, emotions and coping strategies of journalists in Brazil and Mexico.
21 Mexican and 33 Brazilian journalists. Survey (open and closed ended questions) data was collected through matched subnational context designs and snowball sampling strategies. Grounded theory methods were used to analyze the questions.
Main Findings
Findings show that journalists recalled victimization experiences that were linked to labor market and workplace risks, risks associated with the rule of law, culturally based risks, and identity-based risks. As a result, journalists engaged in short and long-term coping strategies. Coping strategies were also either individualistic or collectivist in nature, with coping strategies ultimately being influenced by country and regional contexts
Policy recommendations/implications
We hope this study can contribute to the discussion surrounding victimization of journalists, coping and ultimately push policy forward in a way that provides resources to improve journalists overall safety and working conditions.