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Social Media in Turkey as a Space for Political Battles: AKTrolls and other Politically motivated trolling

Journal Article published in 2018
Erkan Saka's article focuses on AKTrolls, defined as pro-government political trolls in Turkey, while attempting to draw implications about political trolling in the country in general. The research questions that guide this study are: What are the methods and effects of AKTrolls and other politically motivated trolling in Turkey? How have Turkish authorities attempted to shape or counter politically motivated social media content production through trolling after the Gezi Park Protests that took place in 2013? What is the impact of AKTrolls on reducing discourses critical of the government on social media?


Erkan Saka's study on political trolling in Turkey reveals several key findings. Firstly, political trolling activity in Turkey is more decentralized and less institutionalized than generally thought, and is based more on ad hoc decisions by a larger public. Secondly, AKTrolls do have an impact on reducing discourses critical of the government on social media, by engaging in surveillance and other practices. Finally, Turkish authorities have attempted to shape or counter politically motivated social media content production through trolling after the Gezi Park Protests that took place in 2013.

Policy recommendations/implications

There are no explicit policy recommendations. However, Erkan Saka's study sheds light on the methods and effects of political trolling in Turkey, which could inform policymakers and social media companies in their efforts to combat disinformation and online harassment. The study also highlights the need for further research on political trolling in other countries better to understand its impact on democratic processes and public discourse.
Research focuses:
Digital, Legal
Methods used in research:
Interviews, Qualitative content analysis, Ethnography
Countries of research focus:
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